
December 10, 2023

The Future Of Domain Parking – DomainUI

The Future Of Domain Parking - DomainUI

What does the future of domain parking hold?

A brief background on the domain parking

Whether you’re building a website for your business, or yourself. Or even for someone else. One of the first steps in the planning stage is to consider a ‘domain name’; commonly known as a website name. A strong domain name is key to a strong brand and likewise, a strong web presence. Think of it almost as your online identity, and you want it as closely linked to your business/brand as possible. And what we are looking at today is something called domain parking. And before looking at the future of domain parking. What is it? And then we will look at how we can help you here at DomainUi.

What is domain parking?

A ‘parked’ domain is a domain name that is registered but isn’t connected at all to a website. It is a website name that has been bought, but it isn’t currently in use. This is where the term ‘parked’ comes in. It has been ‘parked’ for future use. Just like a parked car at a shopping centre has been parked for future users to drive its passengers home. And it’s quite understandable for your first thought to be, why? What’s the point of having a domain name if it’s not in use? Well, there are quite a few reasons. Some domains may not be valuable at the moment but may hold considerable future value. A lot of people also wait for domain names to become in demand and then sell them for a considerable profit. This is how a lot of individuals and businesses earn quite a wealthy living.
It also means if you have a domain that is currently parked and not being used, you can use one of these domain parking companies to earn passive income on your domain name whilst you continue establishing the other foundational pillars of your business or start-up, and then utilising the name when the time comes to set your website up and establish your online presence. It also means that you start driving traffic towards your website and start to build brand loyalty with the audience that is going through your website. And the more traffic that your domain name brings through this domain parking platform, the more chance you have of earning quite an impressive commission.

How big is the domain parking industry?

A recent study has found some interesting figures regarding the sheer size of the domain parking industry. They collated how many domains were parked. On average each day, they identified as many as 27,000 NEW parked domains, and around 35,000 that were being reclassified. And you have to remember, these are domains that cover everything. From potential new search engines, businesses, social networks, financial applications, e-commerce and much, much more. And we can only expect this has increased considerably in the three years that have elapsed since that report was filed. Meaning that the future of domain parking looks promising which is what we are going to come onto next by looking at the potential huge scale of the domain parking industry as a whole.

The future

What can we expect the future of domain parking to look like? Well, you always will have people who try to predict what the next big thing is and likewise predict what website names will suit themselves perfectly into the next big industry or trend. And as the world population grows, you will also have more and more markets becoming more and more saturated. As more starter and disruptor businesses enter the fray. With this, you will have more people securing their domain names very early on as so to protect the integrity of their business plan. You can also expect to see significant innovation within the domain parking industry and that’s what we hope we have achieved here at Domain UI. We have disrupted the domain parking industry bringing a new proposal and opportunity to those individuals and businesses with parked domains.
When we look at a more recent study, it shows that there are over 1.1 BILLION websites on the internet. Yes, that’s 1,100,000,000+ website addresses that have been registered. However, multiple areas of research suggest that only approximately 18% of these are being used. In other words, around 920 million websites are sitting idle, parked, or just not currently being used. Quite a staggering majority when you think about it. The internet we browse as we know it today we consider to be huge, but then you think around 4x that many websites are currently sitting on a digital shelf of gathering dust. And that’s why we have brought innovation to this area so that if you have any of these domains that aren’t currently being utilised, you now have a reason and an incentive to.

How can we help?

Here at DomainUi, we want to help with the future of domain parking. And that’s why we don’t consider ourselves just any domain parking website. Instead, we have brought innovation to what has been quite an undisrupted sector of the online world. We provide a platform for you to park your purchased and owned website addresses. and earn an income through our affiliate platform. It is free to register and you require an Amazon Associate account to join. This allows you to earn commission from domain names that would otherwise just be ‘gathering digital dust’. Or waiting to be put into use as you formulate your business plan. We currently have a website you can take a look at called Direct Rugs which is currently taking advantage of our affiliate scheme.